Thursday, March 18, 2010


Got my garden started today. Took a shovel, turned under last fall's compost, made three beds and planted carrots and a bunch of Japanese green leafy veggies. It is supposed to turn cold again this weekend, snow and maybe even get below freezing. Nothing I planted will be harmed by any of that.

Some of the lettuce I planted last spring I let go to seed. So now lots of tiny baby lettuce is growing on that small plot. It worked out well last year when I did the same, so I will just let it grow and see what I get. Volunteer lettuce. A lot of good veggies will grow up year after year if you just let them go to seed. You don't need fancy 'heirloom' seeds to start with either. In a couple of years you have your own home grown heirloom varieties, as the various strains cross pollinate.

What does this have with writing a novel? Not much, except that I put off sending a new batch of queries to agents. I am letting my current query age and mature, like whiskey in an oak cask.

Tonight I will look the query over one more time, do some final research on agents to see who I want to try it out on, and send some off. I expect more rejections. I have full confidence in the book, but less in my ability to condense the story down to one page.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. I've been having fun trying to tie in my blog posts to my writing life. Sometimes, as in your gardening post, the parallels are good!
